This Week in NUsolar

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Updates from the Mechanical Team

Aero shell mold design 

We finished the design of our aero shell molds. They CAD files will be sent to the manufacturer this week and the molds should arrive in around four weeks

Aero shell plan B

In case we can’t finish making aero shell using wet carbon fiber layup in time for FSGP, plan B of aero shell building was completed. This method would utilize PVC shell with carbon fiber reinforced ultraboard ribs.


New member projects

New NUsolar mechanical team members have been learning how to do composites from our composites lead. On Saturday, they started working on their first independent panels. 

Electrical Team

Rolling Chassis

The electrical team have been conducting further motor testing and setting up the chassis for testing. They have mounted Lead Acid batteries and motor controllers to the frame as well as set up the pedals.

New member projects

Some of the new Electrical team members have been working on SC7s new driver dashboard. It might not show the readings yet, but the colors are cool!

Business Team

Cats Give Back

In preparations for Cats Give Back on November 28th, the business team have made a new team video. You can see a sneak peek to the right and stay tuned for the full video.


Want to help NUsolar?

You don’t have to wait until November 28th.

Consider donating, becoming a sponsor or joining and become a part of the team who built SC7.

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