NUsolar Blog
NUsolar End of the Year update
Another school year came to an end! We thought it's a good time to share an update on the NUsolar team's status and goals for the upcoming year. FSGP 2018 Due to logistical issues, we haven't been able to receive the solar cells for SC7 in time and will not participate in... -
What’s New in NUsolar: Fall Quarter Update
Overall Progress This Fall quarter was very exciting for NUsolar. As the FSGP approaches, we are getting closer to completing Seven, our 7th generation car. Most notably, Seven had her first day outside last November during a successful rolling chassis testing. Since then, we've been working hard to make sure that the... -
Design Review: Solar Cell Array Design
SC7 Array Design Review Frank Wang Why did we need to redesign the array? The FSGP regulations have changed.Previous regulation: 6m2 Array No Supplementary Array Current regulation:4m2 Array2m2 Supplementary Array SC6 Array Design SC6 was made using 3 string array: red, green and blue. Red marks the front of the car. The cells are connected by... -
This Week in NUsolar
Updates from the Mechanical Team Aero shell mold design We finished the design of our aero shell molds. They CAD files will be sent to the manufacturer this week and the molds should arrive in around four weeks Aero shell plan BIn case we can't finish making aero shell using wet carbon fiber... -
This week in NUsolar
Updates from the Mechanical Team A promising alternative found for the Aeroshell: Pink panther foam A Chicago-based company Low-risk and timely process Steering wheel prototype Rolling Chassis completion scheduled for November 4th Updates from the Electrical Team Solar Cell Array layout has been finalized! Our two new Mitsuba Motors have been mounted on the frame and... -
(FSGP 2017) Electrical Team’s FUture: Sylvia Fu
Yesterday, July 3rd, 2017, marked the first day of FSGP 2017. It was a busy day that was spent primarily on fixing up SC6 in the hopes of passing scrutineering as early as possible. While NUsolar still has yet to complete all the requirements, the team is confident that we... -
Aeroshell for SC7
by Tom O'Donnell NUsolar members David, Andrew, and Crystal are working on completing the aerodynamic shell of the team’s new car, SC7. They are using WinCNC software to cut ten 3’ x 7’ white sheets of Ultra Plus, which is composed of high-quality extruded polystyrene foam between two layers of 1mm expanded...