Our New Logo – and sc6 Updates!

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If you’ve been browsing the main website recently, you may have noticed an update – we’ve replaced our logo with a new look:


The logo was designed by Phil, one of the senior team members, and goes along with our tagline: “Powered by innovation, fueled by the sun.” Along with our updated image, we’re going to be rolling out new sponsorship opportunities such as the “adopt a solar cell” campaign, which is a great way for anyone to support the team. Stay tuned for further details.

Of course, we’ve also been working on the design of the next car. Both the electrical and mechanical teams have 15 hours of work sessions a week to make sure the designs will be complete, efficient, and safe. On the electrical side, we’ve been working to design new circuit boards that will make the car’s electrical system more compact and more efficient. We’re also going to try and use database software to store telemetry information from the car, in order to better allow us to analyze the car and plan strategy during a race. The mechanical team is using computer modeling to find the most aerodynamic shape for the shell.

If you want a preview of what we’ll be up to when the designs are complete, check out this video of the Stanford Solar Car Team assembling the top shell of their car:

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