Connectors Galore

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Spring is just around the corner, and so is the completion of our new electrical system. Thanks to Molex we now have a massive supply of connectors that will allow us to join all of our boxes and circuit boards. Speaking of which, our PCB orders have also been sent in and should be arriving shortly. We redesigned a number of the car’s boards to make them smaller and more efficient. We’re also currently testing the new chip that will control our driver interface, allowing us to add features like cruise control.

Once all the components arrive, the next step will be assemble everything together and install it into sc5. We want to have the new electrical system in place for a spring break testing trip and this year’s FSGP so that we can work out any bugs before the new car’s shell is made. This will hopefully allow us to hit the ground running with a fully functional sc6.

Also, now that the weather is improving, we’re preparing to ramp up our outreach schedule. We’ll be manning a booth tomorrow, March 13, at the Wilmette Community Environmental Fair, so stop by and say hi if you’re there. Stay tuned for more outreach events in the near future!

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