Presenting our Flickr page!

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A little side project I’ve been working on recently is uploading all of our team’s old photos to a flickr account. Click here to go to it.

I’m almost done with it–I still have some nuNergy and SC5 photos to upload, but there’s already a massive amount of content there, which you can look through at your leisure. It’s like a living time-capsule of our team’s history! For example:

see our humble beginnings

relive the 2001 ASC

witness how tiring a day of raycing can be

watch former students hard at work creating nuSun

see how our trailer used to look

refresh yourself on how drivers used to sit in solar cars (hint: not upright!)

look at a beautiful sunset we saw on the ’08 race route

and of course, see us play with haybales.

Once I get the rest of the old pictures uploaded, I’ll make sure to upload current pictures as we take them.

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