Kickoff Meeting, Big Bite Night

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Today, we welcomed any students in McCormick, and especially the new freshmen from the Class of ’16, who were interested in becoming involved with the solar car team. We introduced ourselves and talked about all the different groups on the team, then brought out one of our old cars to show the freshmen it’s systems and design. We also gave them a look at the spaces we use in Ford, such as the Autobay and Mechatronics lab, and answered any questions they had about things like how the car works, what the competition is like, what it takes to be on the team, or what types of skills they can learn from being on the team.

Team members answer new students’ questions about the solar car
Students gather around the battery box as members of the electrical team describe their responsibilities

After we thought they had enough solar car, we walked to downtown Evanston together as a group for Big Bite Night (video from last year), where we got to try free samples from almost every restaurant in the downtown area, and more importantly, collect tons of coupons from them. Hopefully we’ll do this again in future years, it was a lot of fun and a good way to meet new people.

DT stealthily swoops in for a smoothie at Edzo’s
Jess politely accepts a crepe from Creperie Saint Germain

Next Sunday will be our first work session. We’ll be training new students on team operations, as well as cleaning up our workspaces from the summer race preparation.

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